Material Cotton (893) Fabric (143) Silk (90) Wool (82) Elastane (56) Merino (46) Flannel (40) Bamboo (37) Knit (22)
Type Men's Socks (2373) Boxer Shorts (1065) Men's Underwears (580) Pyjamas (248) Trunks (163) Men's Base Layers (81) Men's Tank Tops (5) Men's Dressing Gown (4) Men's Leggings (2)
Colour Black (1424) Blue (731) Gray (628) White (562) Red (284) Green (162) Purple (122) Yellow (60) Multicolour (58)
Fashion Sizes for Men S (36) UK (1652) L (40) UK (422) M (38) UK (411) XL (42) UK (373) XXL (44) UK (181) XXXL (46) UK (59) XS (34) UK (41)
Brand Calvin Klein (324) Adidas (274) Nike (242) Puma (228) Trespass (226) Fruit of the loom (219) Regatta (163) loops (147) Gildan (146) Tommy hilfiger (132)